Archived: Decrease rate of uninsured in state
Supplemental Information
Why is this a priority?
Having insurance is an important predictor of regular access to primary health care. For example, 2004-2006 data from BRFSS show that 82 percent of Washington residents with health insurance reported having an HCP compared with only 41% for uninsured adults.
How are we doing?
WA is doing better than the national average (2012, 17.3%) and we are making significant progress through ACA-related efforts. We anticipate that this goal will be met by the target date.
What are we working on?
- Further collaborative efforts to refine and improve the consumer experience and overall throughput in the Health Benefit Exchange. This includes successful implementation of Medicaid plan selection by January 1, 2015.
- Targeted Medicaid enrollment activities to likely eligible residents, including those receiving other state benefits such as food assistance and childcare.
- An aligned communications and outreach strategy across HCA, HBE and OIC promoting coverage across the income spectrum.
How can you help?
Information not available.
Reported by: Health Care Authority