Home > Archived: Increase the median earnings of employed people participating in WorkSource

Archived: Increase the median earnings of employed people participating in WorkSource

Supplemental Information


Why is this a priority?

As annual wages increase, individuals and families are better able to support themselves and their communities.

How are we doing?

Green: Median earnings of employed people participating in WorkSource was $22,512 in 2015.

Analysis (Root Causes)

What are we working on?
  • Working in partnership with L&I to offer Info Sessions atWorkSource to create deeper connections with job seekers and incumbent workers to increase awareness of career opportunities in the trades and apprenticeship opportunities
  • Working in partnership with Wenatchee Valley Collegeto create short term training for low income job seekers and incumbent workers to help them increase skills to move into higher wage careers in targeted industries
  • Working with local employers and community organizations to meet quarterly to discuss strategies for developing stronger employee pipeline and skills needed for career advancement
  • Work with local employers to develop workshops thatcould be offered to current employees
  • Expanding apprenticeship programs as viable training and career path and upgrading skills of existing apprentices to improve opportunities for wage increases and to increase call back rates
  • Developing employment cohorts based on in-demand industries
  • Labor Market Information is analyzed and shared with job seekers to identify job opportunities with higher paying wages
  • Staff are promoting the OIC program for farm workers,CDL and forklift training and other on the job training programs to help people improve their earnings
  • On campus offerings by WorkSource staff (ESD andpartners) during college hours designed to help students prepare more effectively for the transition from school to work
  • High School Ambassadors Initiative - connecting with high school outreach staff and mentoring high school students on the use of WorkSource to find a job at a good wage post high school. Ambassadors help graduating students get registered on WorkSourceWA and schedule workshops on campus taught by Workforce professionals
  • WorkSource staff providing our services on community college campuses to better market WorkSource services to students and increase our engagement levels to that targeted population
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