Archived: Increase the percentage of supported seniors and individuals with a disability served in home and community-based settings
Supplemental Information
Why is this a priority?
The vast majority of seniors and persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities prefer to receive services at home or in community-based settings. By responding to client preferences we can meet their needs and sustain the state's ability to provide services in the future.
How are we doing?
Washington's long-term care system is ranked 2nd in the nation by the American Association of Retired Persons' "Scorecard" report.
The majority of persons with developmental disabilities are currently served in the community.
What are we working on?
- Working with stakeholders to design and implement a new federal program called Community First Choice that will expand choices for clients and generate significantly increased federal contributions;
- Maximizing our use of the federal Roads to Community Living program to support people moving to the community, and to support those already in the community; and
- Hosting quarterly community education events at Residential Habilitation Centers for persons with disabilities to provide information about community residential options.
How can you help?
Learn more about the types of services and programs that help an adult remain at home
Learn more about services available for people with developmental disabilities at