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Archived: Modern Work Environment

Increase the percentage of state employees satisfied with their work environment by 2% by January 2020

Why is this a priority?

Work has changed in how, where and when it is done. Advances in technology, shifting employee expectations, changing customer and employee demographics, and mobile work area few factors affecting workplace needs. Therefore, the state has embarked on a journey to build a modern work environment. A modern work environment empowers employees with choice, enables excellent performance, supports multiple generations, and is mindful of our impact on the environment. Research shows employees and job seekers value a workplace that provides:

  • flexibility in when they work
  • mobility in where they work
  • a physical work space that is motivating and inspiring
  • technology that enables high performance and a culture that supports their well-being

By fostering this type of work environment, we will improve the state’s ability to attract, engage, and retain talented employees so that they can do great work for Washingtonians.

How are we doing?

It is important to hear from employees how we are doing in our efforts on creating a modern work environment for them. To find out, a new survey question was added to the state’s Employee Engagement Survey in October/November 2017. This question measures employees’ satisfaction with their work environment. Employees are asked to rate their satisfaction with the flexibility, mobility, physical space, technology, and well-being (as it relates to their work environment). The overall percentage of positive responses for this index question is 58% (the index averages the scores for each component). The results for each component of the question are in the graph below. Our goal is to increase the percentage of state employees’ satisfaction with their work environment by 2% by 2020. This means we are striving to achieve a score of 60% positive responses.

visualization here:

Understanding the employee experience is critical. So is seeing how these factors relate to actions like supporting employee participation in flexible work options and engaging employees in the design of their workspaces. Indicator 1.4.a sets a target to increase the percentage of employees in eligible positions participating in flexible work options like telework, flextime, and compressed workweeks. Indicator 1.4.b sets a target to increase the percentage of workplace projects that are designed and implemented with input from employees.



Indicator 1.4.a: Mobility and Flexibility

Indicator 1.4.b: Workplace Design

Related Information:

Executive Order 16-07, Building a Modern Work Environment

Building a Modern Work Environment

Commute Trip Reduction for State Agencies

State Employee Engagement Survey

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