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Archived: Number of students enrolled in STEM and identified high-demand employment programs in public 4-year colleges and universities

Data source: The Council of Presidents and the Education Research and Data Center

Supplemental Information
Why is this a priority?

According to the 2013 Washington Roundtable study "Great Jobs Within our Reach," there are 25,000 unfilled jobs in Washington which will grow to 50,000 by 2017. 80% of these jobs will be in high-skill STEM and health care roles. Eliminating the job skills gap could result in 160,000 new jobs, lower the employment rate by up to 2%, and generate $720 million in additional state tax revenues. Eliminating the job skills gap will require resources to: (1) increase capacity in higher education; and (2) enhance K-12 student interest in STEM subjects

How are we doing?

From 2002-2011, our institutions produced 45% more baccalaureate degrees in high demand fields of study. By comparison, total public baccalaureate degree growth over the same period was 21%.

What are we working on?
  • Implementing programmatic changes and enrollment increases related State Investments in STEM and High Demand degree programs during the 2013-15 Biennia.
  • STEM and High Demand investments were made at Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University, Washington State University, the University of Washington, and Western Washington University.
Reported by: The Council of Presidents