Archived: Percentage of agency core services where timeliness is measured
Your time is important. It is essential that state agencies deliver timely service. Slow service can have real impact to customers. For example, a late inspection may delay a construction project. Or a quickly delivered liquor license means a restaurant can open on schedule. Our customers expect timely service.
We respect our customers’ time. Agencies are constantly working to reduce wait times. To improve timely service we must measure it.
A core service is the primary reason an agency exists. An agency providing timely core service is better serving customers. Increasing the number of core services where timeliness is measured means customers are more likely to receive timely service.
Currently, 35 agencies are participatingin this measure. These agencies have 234 core services appropriate formeasuring customer satisfaction and 220 core services are measured for timelyservice. That is 94% compared to our goal of 100%. Twenty eight agencies aremeasuring 100% of their core services for customer satisfaction.
We are increasing the services we measure for timeliness by setting this statewide target and collaborating across agencies. We are sharing best practices and assisting each other to measure more core services. We will monitor and report statewide progress. Read more in detailed action plans from each agency.
If you are a customer, you can influence service improvement efforts. Please check agency websites for ways to give feedback.
If you are an agency, contact the Department of Licensing’s Office of Performance and Accountability, to ask for or offer assistance implementing action plans.