Archived: STEM math and science training opportunities for early learning professionals
Data Source: MERIT Data System
Reported by: Department of Early Learning (DEL)
Early math skills are powerful predictors of life-long learning and executive function development. The brain is especially receptive to learning math and logic birth through age five. STEM concepts and competencies must start in the earliest years when critical thinking and executive function skills are being developed to support the foundation of skills that are predictors of school readiness and life long learning.
In order to meet DEL’s goal of 90% of Washington students kindergarten ready, DEL is focusing on early math development as an area of emphasis. Data from WaKIDS demonstrates the need for advancing early math across the state.
Since last year, DEL has:
- Implemented new ways of accurately tracking and monitoring STEM trainings in our workforce registry, MERIT.
- Actively increased the number of state-approved trainers in all parts of the state that represent the diversity of the providers, children and families we serve.
- Created trainings on STEM in collaboration with state partners that are being offered statewide.
- Offered annual STEM trainings to all early learning professionals enrolled in Early Achievers.
- We are in the process of developing curriculum focused on numeracy for early learning professionals that will be personalized for the audience and will be provided to ECEAP providers, licensed homes, centers and Family Friend and Neighbor.
- We will continue to disseminate the adopted STEM curriculum and work with state conference coordinators to encourage the delivery of STEM content.
- We are working with state partners to create a state vision for early math professional development and support
- We support relationship based professionals (coaches, mentors) to provide guidance on STEM content, instruction and individualized learning strategies to meet the needs of children in care.