Archived: Students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) aged 6-21 served inside the regular class
Supplemental Information
Why is this a priority?
This is a federally-required annual performance indicator as part of the Washington State Performance Special Education Plan established in FFY 2005.
How are we doing?
The five-year trend data (FFY 2010 through FFY 2014) indicate the State’s performance has stabilized at 85% on this measure.
What are we working on?
- Tools– Development of tools and resources in support of district analysis of least restrictive environment (LRE) placement data. For example, an LRE Verification Calculator is incorporated into the districts’ annual special education federal fund application.
- Technical Assistance – Coordinated Services Agreements (CSAs) with Educational Service Districts (ESDs) include data trend analysis and development of region-specific training plans to ensure students are educated in their LRE to the maximum extent possible (determined by IEP teams).
- Monitoring– A review of district policies, procedures, and practices related to placement decisions and the impact on LRE is integrated into several aspects of the state’s general supervisory system for special education, including data verification, on-site visits and desk reviews, and dispute resolution activities.
Reported by: Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction