Archived: Constrain annual state-purchased health care cost growth
Supplemental Information
Why is this a priority?
- Fragmented clinical and financial approaches to care delivery
- Uncoordinated care and transitions
- Unengaged members left out of their own health care decisions
- Variation in delivery system performance (cost & quality) with no ties to clinical or financial accountability and transparency
How are we doing?
Both PEB and Medicaid are currently meeting the target of constraining health care cost growth to within 1% of their respective national trends
What are we working on?
- Fully integrated Managed Care
- Accountable Care Program (ACP) for public employees
- Apple Health Managed Care value-based reforms
- Bundle and Center of Excellence (COE): Total Joint Replacement for public employees beginning 2017
- Quality Measurement as defined by the WA statewide common measure set
How can you help?
Information not available.
Reported by: Health Care Authority