Outcome Measures
Results Washington works with Washington State agencies to track key performance measures centered around the Governor’s strategic goal areas. The goal areas are:
Goal 1: World-class education: Providing every Washingtonian a world-class education that prepared him or her for a healthy and productive life, including success in job or career, in the community and as a lifelong learner
Goal 2: Prosperous economy: Fostering an innovative economy where businesses, workers and communities thrive in every corner of our state.
Goal 3: Sustainable energy & a clean environment: Building a legacy of resource stewardship for the next generation of Washingtonians
Goal 4: Health and safe communities: Fostering the health of Washingtonians from a healthy start to safe and supported future
Goal 5: Efficient, effective and accountable Government: Fostering a Lean culture that drives accountability and results for the people of Washington
To see our current metrics related to the Governor's priority areas click here.