Archived: Increase the percentage of employees who believe we are increasing customer value
State agencies and employees serve the people of Washington, our customers, by providing excellent service, reducing waste, and making improvements. Delivering value to customers is one of the most important principles of Lean and creating a culture of continuous improvement. Employees that feel their agency is making improvements for customers by using customer feedback tend to feel more positive about being encouraged to be more innovative at work.
In the baseline year of 2017, over 47,000 state employees provided answers to questions in the statewide 2017 Employee Engagement Survey relating to the Employee Engagement indicator.
- Q10) “We are making improvements to make things better for our customers” received a percent positive score of 66 percent.
- Q16) “We use customer feedback to improve our work processes” received a percent positive score of 48 percent.
These two scores averaged together provide a current Customer Value score of 57 percent.
Results Washington, Office of Financial Management, and state agencies are working together on the following statewide improvement strategies:
- Offering Lean training's in problem solving and coaching. These include classes offered through the Lean Transformation office,monthly lean advisers meetings, and consulting to maintain alignment with Lean thinking. Individual agencies are offering learning opportunities in Lean and sharing resources.
- Identify root causes of the customer service question gap by exploring question issues.
Leaders and staff within each agency are also continually working to identify, implement and assess internal strategies to improve the overall employee experience.