Results Washington
Results Washington was established by Governor Jay Inslee in 2013 through Executive Order 13-04, building on a long Washington state history of leading the charge in public-sector performance management and continuous improvement.
Our Vision: Driving transparency, igniting innovation, and delivering the best results for the great State of Washington
Our Mission: As committed public servants, we strive to improve state government by approaching complex issues through collaboration, performance management, continuous improvement and by partnering with agencies delivering state services to all Washingtonians.
The core values guiding our way:
People Matter – We foster an inclusive culture that sees diversity as integral to success along with humility and respect for each other. We recognize the importance of the lived human experience of our partners, their clients and customers, and our team.
Resources Matter – We are accountable and transparent, and serve as good stewards of state resources – our own and those of our partners. We are committed to managing our resources in a way that is consistent with expectations for any state agency.
Ideas Matter – We value innovation, creativity, and resourcefulness as well as fact-based decision-making in our work while also capitalizing on those efforts and approaches that have proven effective over time.
Teamwork Matters – We do everything we can to build trust with our partners and across our team by fostering teamwork, demonstrating open communication, and remaining flexible and adaptable to meet our partner and team needs.
Our strategic plan:
To view our current strategic plan, click here.
Our work is driven by the Governor’s five Goal areas:
Goal 1: World-class education: Providing every Washingtonian a world-class education that prepared him or her for a healthy and productive life, including success in job or career, in the community and as a lifelong learner
Goal 2: Prosperous economy: Fostering an innovative economy where businesses, workers and communities thrive in every corner of our state
Goal 3: Sustainable energy & a clean environment: Building a legacy of resource stewardship for the next generation of Washingtonians
Goal 4: Health and safe communities: Fostering the health of Washingtonians from a healthy start to safe and supported future
Goal 5: Efficient, effective and accountable Government: Fostering a Lean culture that drives accountability and results for the people of Washington
Governor's Goal Area Metrics:
To view our current metrics related to the Governor's goal areas click here.