Goal 2: Prosperous economy - Goal map
Click on any numbered box below for more information.
Goal Topic
Business Vitality
Washington is a great place to grow your business
Sub Topic One
4. Competitive and Diversified Economy
Outcome Measure
1.1: Increase real state gross domestic product (GDP) by 10.6% from its 2015 level by 2020
Leading Indicators
Goal Topic
Thriving Washingtonians
Washington is THE place to work
Sub Topic One
2. Quality Jobs
Outcome Measure
Leading Indicators
Sub Topic Two
2. Expanding Opportunities
Goal Topic
Sustainable, efficient infrastructure
Washington's infrastructure meets tomorrow's needs
Sub Topic One
3. Reliable
Outcome Measure
Leading Indicators
Sub Topic Two
3. Sustainable
Outcome Measure
Leading Indicators
Goal Topic
Quality of Life
Washington is a great place to live
Sub Topic One
4. Vibrant Communities
Outcome Measure
4.1: Increase the genuine progress indicator (GPI) by 10.6% from its 2015 level by 2020
Leading Indicators
- Minority-owned businesses: 10%
- Women-owned businesses: 6%
- Veteran-owned businesses: 5%