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Washington State Government Lean Transformation Conference

2024 Washington State Lean Transformation Conference

Leaning into the Future

October 22nd –  31st 2024


Results Washington will host our 13th annual Lean Transformation Conference in late October 2024. The conference will span six days from October 22nd - October 31st with most days covering 4 hours of content presented by public and private-sector Lean and Continuous Improvement professionals.​   This year

Our goals are to:​

  • Provide concrete tools and methods that participants can readily apply to their work vs. theory-based presentations.​
  • Provide learning that supports our commitment to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in Washington state government.​

​As in years past, there is no cost for people to attend the Lean conference – our focus is to produce an event that advances Lean and Continuous Improvement in state government, creating and adding more value for agency employees and Washingtonians.